Scottish Schools Pipe Band Championships

Our novice and juvenile bands were delighted to take part in the Scottish Schools Pipe Band Championships in Kilmarnock on the 10th of March. The competitions used the slogan ‘every school needs a pipe band’. We know this to be true as we have seen our band grow from a small organisation 13 years ago to what it is now, which is a large group of pupils playing in 3 bands within the same organisation. The band is a family and all members enjoy playing and spending time with each other.

Our novice band drummers warming up with drumming tutor William Paul.

Our novice band performing.

Our juvenile band performing.

The Scottish Schools Pipes and Drums Trust (SSPDT) celebrated its 10th anniversary at the event. A lot has been achieved by the team at SSPDT over the years. We are eternally thankful at PLHS to the SSPDT as they gave us the tools to help us grow and succeed. We are excited to see what the future holds for both organisations.

Simon Grant

Drumming Tutor

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